Yoooo whaddup,
it's summer right here, I still have 5weeks of summervacation,
this is my second week of Summer Vacation, but It is Really HOT the last couple of days! it's like 30 degrees Celcius here.. and normally the temperature is 15 - 20 degrees celcius.. So for us it is pretty hott.
Yesterday I went for a swim with my family en my neighbours, we went to Germany to a waterpark.. It was really fun, we just hung out.. and played..
today it's even hotter then yesterday.. Right now i'm sitting in the garden, just bloggin'and watching From g's to gents and run's house on the internet.
Seriously I watched every episode of Run's house except for season 1&2 at least 5times,
btw, If anyone knows where I can watch season 1&2 of Run's house, please tell me!
I really appreciate it because I want to see those episodes so badly..
and From G's To Gents teaches me a way to live, a good life, it teaches you about fincancial goals and how to dress really good! It teaches you to be a good boy, and you hear a lot of stories about how it is going when you live in the hood and stuff..
And no one wants to live that life..
By the way I also want to shout out and Congrats Diggy Simmons with his 10000 followers!, I really look up to the guy, Saw the episode "Mother Smother" from run's house, and he just has videoconversations with PHARRELL WILLIAMS.. and for me that's a huge honour, I would be so happy if I could be on a picture with him.. he's my clothing rolemodel.
So stay tuned for the next blog!
Much love,