Let me introduce you to the next evolution of touchscreen computing; 'The Apple ipad'
The Ipad is absolutely awsome!! It is thin, it looks great, it works great.

Here you see the design of the Ipad, this is the Wi-Fi edition, you also have an 3g edition, which is almost the same! It is really thin only 13.4mm.
It has a 9.7 inch touchscreen which is pretty nice.

On this picture you see internet on the Ipad, the standard webbrowser is Safari. You have an amazing view due to the large screen! You can view websites in portrait view or landscape.

Right here you see the photoviewer. All of the photos are in different maps, and if you are looking for a specific picture, you can just peak in every folder, really easy. It is also easy if you want to show others the photos, because the ipad just flips over, when you flip the ipad over.

Google maps looks great!

Music on the Ipad? Of course! this is the music menu for the ipad. It looks really awsome, because it is really easy. You can sort by music, podcasts, music videos, and a lot more.

There is also an Appstore for the Ipad in which you can download thousands of different apps. Download games, usefull apps, videos and lots of other things.
My conclusion for the Ipad is:
"The Ipad looks great! big screen, thousands of apps, nice webbrowser, lots of memory 32gb or 64gb. It's easy to use, Its overal design is cool, lightweight, thin.
I want the Ipad, just like I want the Iphone 4g. Only thing, it is expensive.
Affortable, but for a 16yr old, It's a lot of money.
However Steve Jobs wanted the Ipad to be not only cheap, but affortable for almost everyone, so the price is pretty low when you compare it to other tablets and things."
Hope Ya'll liked this!
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